Jun 09, 2020 12:15 PM
PDG Doug Vincent
Rotary Roots Run Deep at the United Nations
“Rotary Roots Run Deep at the United Nations,” says PDG Doug Vincent, who will be our keynote speaker on June 9, 2020, sharing Rotary’s role as a founding contributor to establishing the United Nations. In this 75th Anniversary Year, Rotary can be proud, having a most senior status at the UN.
“Many do not know of our important role in promoting International Understanding and World Peace, through the UN,” says Vincent. “In addition to the 49 Rotarians who participated at the Charter Meeting in 1945, it was a Rotarian who wrote the first draft of the UN Charter and it was three members who negotiated the land deal for our UN headquarters in New York city.”
Join us on June 9, 2020, to learn more about the history and important role Rotary has played, and how Rotary’s work continues through our six areas of focus and TRF programs, closely aligned to help achieve the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Millennium Goals) for a better world.